Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world

Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world

Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world


Sep 24, 2023

Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world
Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world
Notion Creators, The Sisyphuses of the Notion world

Can you finish any @NotionHQ template?

I haven't had a single week without updating my templates. It's both enjoyable and exhausting for me at the same time.And when you add the thought of how those who have already purchased the template will transition to the new version, it becomes quite frustrating.

Of course, the constantly influx of new features of Notion plays a significant role in this 'never-ending template' issue. It ensures there's always something new to integrate.

However, because of not being sure what the template is intended for also brings out those never ending compensation attempts. I mean, without clear definitions, creators may find themselves in a perpetual quest for 'perfection' that which reminds me the Sishypehan task.

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